Friday, October 5, 2018

Invasion of the Lizard People

This week in a Small Town Newsroom

So something I've long suspected about Fergus has been confirmed. With his personality type, I was almost certain that he would be a conspiracy theorist. Whoo, boy. Is he ever. He talked for probably about a half an hour today about how some celebrities are secretly lizard people. Lizard people. He made another coworker watch a video on it. He's not sure about some of the others, but he's sure about Beyoncé. There's about a 60/40 chance that he actually believes this. He talks about it like he does.

We did some articles on breast cancer for October. Farquad did a story on a lady who's a breast cancer survivor. He wrote about how she had chemo and radiation. And then a vasectomy. We had to have a talk about how ladies don't have those.

You hear the most interesting things on the scanner on Saturday nights. A woman called in to 911, said her boyfriend/husband/whatever was outside slashing her tires. The dispatcher said she could hear him going on in the background, yelling. Well, about fifteen minutes later, the woman calls back, and says that she doesn't need cops, because he was only pretending to slash her tires. 

Fergus asked our sports reporter how much weight he's lost recently. Sports reporter told him, then Fergus responded that he looked sexy. Sports reporter went back to his office.

I had to take a story over to Great-grand-boss's office for him to proof. I don't really care for him. He  is, frankly, an awful little man. Anyway, I take it to him. He then shooed me out of his office like a dog. I spent the next half hour (while we were on deadline) sitting in his secretary's office, listening to him talk on the phone to someone about how employees today have no loyalty. Also, how to pay them less. His secretary had been in his office a couple of times, so I knew he was working on it. He doesn't know my name, despite the fact that I've been working here more than a year. (My name is not uncommon or hard to pronounce.) So he didn't have a way to call me into his office, and I did not get up. He had to get up out of his chair and come around the corner so it didn't sound as bad when he said 'here you go.'

Farquad is still busy with his big man on campus routine. It was old after five minutes.

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