Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Wild Saturday Night

Right now, I'm listening to one of the archivers complain about how she's upset she didn't get to graduate with honors. From high school. Which was a while ago. The last Saturday I worked, I got to hear all about her *ahem* romantic history. At length.

She's not telling me this, mind you, but the other archiver. I think because they're back in the corner, she forgets I'm out here. And can hear everything she's saying.

Every other Saturday, I have the night shift. I work from about five to about midnight, working on the Sunday morning paper. I don't love it, but I like it much better since we got a second copy editor again, because I worked six days a week on a weird schedule for a couple of months. They don't pay me enough for that.

We work with a skeleton crew on Saturday nights, so there's Boss, me, and the two archivists. There's usually someone from sports also, but he finished up and was able to head home a couple of hours ago.

Here's hoping I get to head for the hills myself sometime soon.


Friday, September 28, 2018


Hello, Internet Friends!

I've bitten the bullet and started a blog. Well, another. I have one that is me, you know, with my name and stuff, that I may link to if I get enough courage to do so. I won't link from there to here though, because I do not want to get fired. And airing dirty laundry, even if it is anonymous, probably isn't the best for my career.

I really enjoy talking about the literally crazy things some of my coworkers do though, and thought I could do as often as I like in the comfort of my own internet corner.

I'm looking forward to sharing with you!

(Also, It's going to take a lot for me to remember not to sign with my name. Who wants to place bets on how long I can go?)
