Wednesday, October 3, 2018

This must stop

So since Wakeen has started working here, Farquad has been all puffed up. I think if I poked him with a pin, he'd go flying around the room while all the hot air leaked out.

He's always of the opinion that he's hot stuff, and since Wakeen is here, he's been big man on campus. Talking about how we do it here, and he's done this forever so he knows, and make sure to let him proof a story before it goes out.

Well, that would be fine if Farquad was a half decent writer. He gets some basic grammar wrong consistently, and after insisting that something was ready to go, I read over it on the page. It's good I did. The name of our state was spelled wrong. In the first line of the story.

I'm going to have to help Wakeen along a little soon, because some of the things that Farquad has ben training him how to do are not how we actually do them, and it's making my job a little harder.

(A note- Farquad, while he has no real managerial power, is technically like a half step above the reporters. I am not a reporter. Technically, he's been at this longer, though we've both been at the company the same amount of time, and I in no way report to him.)

Farquad's calmed down a little, but last week I got to hear all about his time in college (again), his time in the service (again), and how he was in a band (you guessed it, again). He also thinks he's funny, and was cracking jokes left and right, then laughing hysterically when he was done.

I cannot take much more of this.

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