Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Show me your listening ears

This week in a Small Town Newsroom

Wakeen reads his emails out loud as he writes them. He also speaks to no one in general, narrating his day. It's not great, overall. He talked several times one morning about how he's getting his wife a gift certificate to a salon for her birthday today. Cause that'll go over well. "Here, honey, for your birthday, change how you look!"

Fergus was one the phone, and described someone as made for childbearing. I about got in trouble for the look I gave Violet, cause I already made her choke on her drink for something earlier.

I had a woman call about an obit. I didn't have it from the funeral home yet and she said while she had me on the phone, she had a question. Her husband passed away, and his name was spelled wrong. She wants it changed for genealogy purposes. Ok, fine. She then tells me he died two years ago. No dice. There's no way for me to change that. I tell her I'm sorry, but there is not a way to do that. I am the one who would know. She says that's fine. She goes to church with the publisher (GGB) and she'll talk to him about it. So now I have that to look forward to. (In her defense, she phrased it like she thought someone else could fix it. They cannot.)

Fergus had a very loud conversation in the very open room about where exactly on one's person one could store illegal substances. (Horrifyingly, many places, if you were wondering.)

Farquad is online dating. It is not going well. He got in a fight with a woman who said he was using old pictures. He has lost a little weight recently, but is by no means a small man. Apparently, he took great offence to her thinking that he wasn't being honest. I think if he'd learn to spot crazy eyes, his dating life would greatly improve.

My high hopes were for naught. Wakeen is not a great reporter or coworker. At the risk of sounding mean, he just isn't that smart. Someone sitting in the back of the room called him, and he walked up to the lady sitting two desks away from him. In the other direction. She told him who asked him to come to their desk. He said ok, then sat back down at his desk. He had to be asked three more times to 'come here' before he finally understood. He also didn't understand that a doctorate in something makes someone a Ph.D.

1 comment:

  1. I have a coworker who reads out loud - well, in a whisper loud enough to hear through the cubicle wall. He also breathes audibly all the time. I can't decide if I'm picky or he's really annoying, but I'm leaning towards the second one.
