Friday, July 26, 2019

What a day, what a night

Whew. Two doozies for you today. 

Our QA Manager, Speedy, is a hurricane. If I thought switching him to decaf would help, I would. He's been having some health issues, and is a chronic oversharer. They don't know exactly what's wrong with him, and they're running all sorts of tests. His office is right across from mine, and he often comes in to "check in" and tell me all about what's going on. I don't mind because frankly, I often don't listen, and am responding to emails while repeating "hmm" and "wow" at regular intervals. So he tells me they know it isn't TB, because they had him and his wife tested. (!) Then I zoned out, answered some emails, etc. 

Well. Friends, if you're ever in need of a couple of words that will make someone pay attention REAL FAST, I've got the combo for you. CDC watchlist. Doesn't matter what you're doing, you hear someone start talking about a CDC watchlist, and how they might be put on it,(!!!) you are focused. He is not, apparently, currently on the CDC's most wanted, but I'm still planning on putting him in a bubble. And is it rude to just go ahead and spray lysol directly into someone's mouth?

We had a cookout this week, and to do that, we fed all three shifts. One at 3 a.m., one at noon, and the last at 7 p.m. I came in to work at 2 a.m., after working a full day on Tuesday, and stayed straight through. So I was pretty tired by the time the afternoon rolled around. We're having trouble with one of our departments, and the new spout maker they're installing, so one of the VPs is freaking out and suggesting things that on the surface seem helpful, but are actually very impractical and unusable for various safety reasons. Anyway, he emails in a panic, and despite the fact that he name checked me twice in the email, he did not include me on it. I'm in charge of snacks. I was also, in the email, offered an intern to help with snack runs. I talked some big talk about how I could go to the store by myself, and if I couldn't, what was I doing with this job. I mentioned it to the intern's manager, and he said I couldn't have one of his interns. I repeated, several times, that I didn't need an intern.Well. I had to go to Food City anyway, because of the cookout, so I decided to go ahead and get snacks. I asked the managers that have to work over the weekend if there was anything specific they wanted, and two of them gave me the names of energy drinks. By this time, I had been awake for 16 hours, and working on 4 hours of sleep, so I was getting a little fuzzy around the edges. That's how I found myself in the energy drink isle of Food City, talking to myself. Out loud. Trying to figure out which drink was which flavor. It was not my finest moment. Shortly after that, I conscripted the manager, because my buggy was full, and made him help me. But yes. Talking to myself in the Food City. Not my finest moment.

I get to do the overnight thing again tonight through tomorrow, but I'm going home to sleep in between this time. We don't need a repeat. And let's all be thankful that none of the VPs are currently here, because when I'm tired enough to talk to myself  without really noticing that I am speaking out loud,  my filter is pretty much gone.

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