Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday, woo!

It is Friday, and I am glad.

This week has been a long one, y'all. Not just because it's the first full week I've worked in three weeks, but we had a lot of stuff going on.

We've had some issues with the new payroll system. It could have been much worse, and honestly, I thought for sure it would be. That hasn't been fun, and I'm having so much more trouble getting things fixed than I should. It's a too many cooks situation. 

Yesterday was super not fun. I am pretty sure that now that our friend Hellmouth is no longer in the Hellmouth, the energy has dissipated to other places. One of them is here. I had to fix some payroll issues, deal with a cranky boss, feed what was supposed to be 50 but turned out to be 65 people, take some unexpected conference calls, and go get a... toothpaste from my doctor, because people don't give their hobgoblins toothpaste, and they spread lollipops. And I don't want to die from a preventable... cavity. And if you think I'm talking about something else, I'm sure you're mistaken.

Our local Italian place also lied to me. They say their trays can feed 18 to 20 people. Really, it's like 15 maybe if those people are full grown and hungry men. So I'm pretty sure we ran out of food. I'm not sure, because I had to leave to go get on a conference call that I was told started at 12:30. I dialed in, and greeted the other participants, who were surprised I was there. Our call started at 1:00. I hung up and did not mention it when it was our turn. 

I'm very glad to have the weekend off. I've been super tired lately, the kind where you could cry at the smallest upset. Yesterday was so bad I pulled up the Georgia Aquarium webcam and did some deep breathing. I think I need some time off. 

I have some exciting things coming up in the next couple of months, and I'm excited to talk about it. I'm not yet, because nothing is definite until it is, but it's looking really good. Really expensive also, but good. 

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, full of rest.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who recommended dress pants with actual pockets in the open thread a couple of weeks ago. I got some from Banana Republic, and I could fit my whole hand just past my wrist in there!

1 comment:

  1. I recommend a vacation - I was all rage monster before I left for 2 weeks. I came back to 250 emails, and none of them made me angry! I've been calm all week! It's like a miracle.

    Enjoy the weekend...
