Monday, July 15, 2019

The flying monkeys doth descend

We're having a big meeting at work this week, and in preparation, several VPs arrived Monday. We're expecting about 30 people, in meetings all week. That's in addition to everything else we have going on. I've been up just before 5 the last two mornings, both because there are both VPs and VIPs there, and to supervise a training. I only had to sit through the whole thing once, thankfully, because it's two hours long.

I'm giving a training on the new payroll system to the supervisors sometime later this week. I did one last week, but a lot of people were out on vacation. It was interesting. Several of our supervisors are... seasoned, and honestly, set in their ways. They do not like the new payroll system, and take every possible opportunity to tell me so. It's like, I get that you don't like it. But this is what we are using now. I did not pick it. Time to move on.

I had one supervisor in particular, who is especially resistant to change, and computers, who was mad that some of the programming was off. Some of the other supervisors had slightly more functionality than him. It's an easy fix, if I can ever find the time to get to it. But he's mad because he has the most seniority among his department as far as supervisors go, and his functionality is different. I'm sorry, what does that have to do with anything? At all?

My boss Marvin, as I may have mentioned before, is a fairly short man. He's used to it (obviously) and has a fairly good sense of humor about it. One of the mechanics saw him walking down the hallway. He then passed on a message through Bombur, that was that Marvin walking through the hall this morning, or was someone crawling? I was glad I didn't have my drink handy, because it would have been spewed all over my desk.

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