Friday, December 28, 2018

Not so fast

Thought I was just tired from starting a new job till I finally dragged myself to the clinic yesterday.

It's never good when the first thing the doc says is "That looks awful. Oh. That's infected."

So yeah, not firing on all cylinders.

Also thought I set this to publish this morning. Didn't.

Hopefully back at it Monday, after a weekend filled with Bake Off and many naps.


  1. Eek! I hope you feel better very soon. Also, I hope you get plenty of rest this weekend! Take it easy!

  2. Hope you're feeling better by now! Sounds like the new job is challenging and...interesting - can't wait to hear more.

    There have been a minimum of 2 Mikes in my workplace (max was 4, I think) ever since I started here 23 years ago. Current count is 3. And a Steven and a Stephen. Two Jennifers, two Melissas. We're back down to 2 Brians, after Bryan left for training. There are only about 30 people here...
