Friday, January 4, 2019

Going like mad

Eventually, it will slow down and I'll have time to breathe, right?

It's been a busy week here, and payroll wasn't right, so that's been fun. I don't think I've ever dealt with so many mad people before. I understand, and they're not mad at me, but it is a massive headache for us all.

Some people didn't get paid right for their holiday, which thankfully is not my fault, and I have been heaping the blame on the guy who did it, because he is not here, and none of the people who are mad will ever meet him.

Now that its Friday and people are starting to get paid, some people have not gotten their check. It makes the start of my day ever so much fun.

Did you know adults could get ear infections? I don't guess I did. But we can. Yay. The antibiotic they have me on seems to be clearing it up, as well as my throat, ick, but it's slow going. The fact that I am not doesn't seem to be helping matters.

Have my first staff meeting today, finally talked to Boss about whether or not he wanted me there, he says yes. It will make my job quite a bit easier. I've already met everyone that's going to be there, and they are all very nice, but I'm a little nervous about it.

I get paid today! (Maybe) I like when I get paid, and I don't feel the need to shake the check to see where the rest is like I did at the paper.

But best of all, it is Friday. And tomorrow I do not have to work, and due to an oversight that I have not been quick to correct, no one has my cell number. Bliss.


  1. Hooray for Fridays, and paydays too! TGIF.

    Yes - eventually, things will calm down. It will get better. You will continue to learn and adjust. IME, it can take a long time to fully adjust to a new job, new coworkers, new office, etc.

    But, try to be patient. (SO hard - I know!) Stay positive. You can do this! You can do this well. Keep on believing in yourself.

    Sending positive vibes.

  2. Happy Friday! Glad you're getting a little better - maybe give those antibiotics a chance to really work over the weekend while you're incommunicado.
