Friday, December 7, 2018

Haven't chased me away yet

Dear heavens.

Right now, I'm listening to a video about bloodborne pathogens. Yay. There's a ton of safety videos that I have to watch and take a quiz. Not a fan.

My predecessor left suddenly, and she did not throw anything away. My favorite thing I've found is an email from when corporate moved offices. The person said the new address was in her signature. My predecessor printed it out, like she wasn't going to get any more emails for them. Then, she stuck this paper on the folder for workers comp claims.

The confined space video is a real snoozefest. I'm not sure how many of these I can get through.

We also found my predecessor's computer files. Finally. I don't know how much help pictures of fairies or sexy anti aging secrets will be for me, but one never knows. Although, I've been informed I look about 17, and I don't think I'm looking to you younger.


  1. Great to see updates from you! It sounds like the new job is not too bad, but I am sorry about the hair thing - yikes! And your predecessor's files sound... interesting. Ha. Have a great weekend!

  2. Fairies and sexy anti-aging secrets...hmmm. That reminds me - I should clean up my files, which lean more to rude memes and pictures of my kid.
