Tuesday, January 15, 2019

About that note

So I was reading AAM the other day, and she was talking about passive aggressive notes at work. (Here's where we pretend I wasn't too lazy to get a hyperlink to that post.)

I started thinking about it, and thought, wow, I don't think there are any at my new job.

Not so fast. There is one. And it's on my door. I put it there myself.

I want to believe its nice than passive aggressive, whatever the word for that may be, but it's there all the same.

See, since I'm in HR, there's stuff in my office (still can't believe I have my own office) that people are not supposed to see. So it's supposed to be locked when I'm not there.

Someone is having a hard time with that. I say someone, and I genuinely don't know who it is, takes a "shortcut" - which is the exact same distance - to the hallway from the entrance. They open my door to go into the hallway, and then leave it open.

I don't get there till after 7, and this could happen at 6:45, or 3. Who knows. Thus, the note, reminding whoever it may be to shut the door behind them

1 comment:

  1. That's not passive aggressive - that's a simple request for people that you can't talk to.
