Friday, February 1, 2019

Off with her head

Y'all. There was a literal mob at work yesterday. There were no torches, no pitchforks, but there was a mob all the same. 

See, there was an issue with payroll. It was right when it left on Monday, but there was an issue when it was transmitted to the system that does the checks. No one got their overtime pay, or any other extras. 

It was so fun. 

Have you ever had the sudden realization that your head is attached to your body, and been profoundly thankful? It's never something I've thought to be thankful for before.

I had just walked in, and was booting up my email, just going about my morning. Suddenly, three supervisors were in my office. No one, then boom. I didn't know they could move that fast. They asked if I knew what was going on, and I saw the emails rolling in. 

There's about 175 people that didn't get paid correctly. That's a lot of mad. I don't think the phone stopped ringing all day. When the supervisors came in, people were waiting. They did a really good job to deflect the maddest of the employees off of me, which I really appreciate. 

I only had one person be straight up rude to me, and she's done it before, so it was not surprising, just offensive. Girlfriend needs an attitude check. Most people just wanted to know what was going on, and that they were going to get paid. 

We got it resolved fairly quickly, and I printed out info about what's happening next. I posted them on every possible route to my office. Inside the plant, there's a window in the supervisors' office so they can see what's going on, and I pressed one of the papers to the window so they could see. They all about came out of their seats reaching for it. 

Hopefully, everyone will be paid after today. We're switching to a new timekeeping system in a couple of months, and someone said they worked at another plant that did, and no one got paid for two weeks. I told my boss if that happens, I won't be here. I'll be somewhere far, far away, in a wig and sunglasses, hiding.

As I'm typing this, the customer service manager came in, and was super rude to me because his computer isn't working. There's something wrong with that. 


  1. Holy cow, it sounds like you a very rough day. I hope you're able to recover over the weekend! Good luck.

  2. Ooh - I don't think I'd ever take a job dealing with payroll. The potential for people to become unhinged if something (out of your control or not) goes awry is HUGE. You are very brave.

    Good luck with the new system!
