Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Not resorting to physical violence

After my barely coherent midnight ramblings in this post, I drove the half an hour back to work. It was cranking on one in the morning, I had worked all day Friday, and I was tired. The kind of tired where you turn the radio and the air conditioning both up, because you don't want to fall asleep tired. The maybe you shouldn't be driving tired.

I am proud of myself though. When the twerp at the restaurant told me I would have to wait until the next day to order for the next day, even though I was standing right there, did I smash his head into the countertop? I did not. I also didn't get to say what I would have had I been a little more with it, which is, "I would like to order now." Instead, I got to make sure I ordered on Saturday for the nasty smelly food that I can't seem to cleanse from the air in my car.

When I finally got back to work, I loaded it all onto a cart and rolled it back to the department on third shift. Who had all been to sleep fairly recently. The supervisor, Ephraim, came in, and politely asked if I was going to stay and eat. I said no, that I wanted to go home and get to bed. I then made an offhand comment about getting to do that twice tomorrow.

Well. Then Ephraim just grinned, and very sarcastically said, "Yeah, your job is so hard." And did I punch him in the throat? No. I just smiled, told them to enjoy their food, and left.

That just, as we Southerners say, burns my biscuits. Am I out on the floor working? No. And they work hard out there, I won't argue with that. But I work hard too, and just because I'm not out on the floor doesn't mean I'm not working. Also, they all make easily twice what I do. The supervisor probably makes 2.5 times more than me. And I work longer hours than he does. It made me so mad I could have spit.

From my house, to the restaurant, to work, back to my house is a two hour round trip. And I did it three times with no complaint to anyone except my mother, who doesn't count.

When I got back to my office, I did give myself thirty seconds to contemplate quitting my job. It was late, and no one was in the office. I thought about what belongs to me personally in my office (shockingly little) and how long it would take to get to my car (not long at all). I have a key to my boss's office, so I thought I could just write down my passwords and a couple of other relevant pieces of information. Leave my keys and my ID badge on the desk. And just peace out. No one would know until Monday. My boss would have been at my door, but I didn't plan that far. It was a very pleasant thirty seconds.

Then I went home, got some sleep, and turned around and made two more trips to get food, both of which were less eventful than the first. I even had two whole people (one per crew) say thank you. I feel so appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Are you getting paid overtime for these food trips? I hope so! you have Ephraim's home number, so you can call him when he's supposed to be sleeping to ask him to come in and answer an inane work-related question? Because you should totally do that.>:D
