Friday, April 12, 2019

I think they're trying to kill me

Y'all. Except for Monday and today, I have been at work before 5:30 every day this week. I can in at 8 on Monday, and a little after 6 today. I cannot take it. If it wasn't Friday, I might lose my mind. I am not a morning person. If you need me to stay up till 2 or 3 in the morning, fine, whatever. But get up just before 4? No thank you.

We're switching to a new timekeeping system soon, and I'm trying to get everyone's fingerprints registered. There's about 15 I still have to do. Five of them are issues with the account registration, and the other 10 have been hiding from me. Rude.

To get third shift, it's late to bed and early to rise for me this week. We've also been dealing with another layoff, so that's been so fun to deal with on top of everything else. I'm so tired. I almost fell asleep at my desk yesterday. I keep trying to think of the sweet sweet overtime money, but I would pay someone to let me go to sleep right now, so it's not really working.

We also had our fire safety training this week. We had five sessions, and I was in all of them. I worked on emails and stuff most of the time, but whew. In one session, one employee proudly informed everyone that he's put out two fires while working here. And he only started one of them.

And it's back to work for me. I keep feeling like I've been here forever, and it must be almost lunchtime. It's usually around 10 when I feel that way, so. Five hours in usually is time for lunch, but not this week. Frankly, I'm just glad I've had a chance to eat, because that is not always the case.

Finally, I will leave you with this jem from one of the maintenance managers. It should be noted that this is a man built like a bear.
"Well, the line is running, and it hasn't wham, bam, jammed, and caused me to cry."


  1. Good grief. That sounds rough!

    Hope you can get back to a normal schedule soon. Hang in there.

  2. "And he only started one of them." Your workplace sounds vastly entertaining, what with the firestarters, crying bears, and hide-and-seekers!

  3. For third shift, why not come in when they are arriving for work instead of getting up at Satan's butt-crack of dawn?
