Friday, November 30, 2018

She's leaving, bye bye

This week in a Small Town Newsroom was my last.

I got a new job, and tomorrow is my last day. I'm really excited about my new job, and it's going to supply an even bigger cast of characters.

I was running an experiment that Farquad ruined yesterday. I started telling people two weeks ago that I was leaving, after I'd turned in my notice to Boss. We'd talked about it in the newsroom very openly, but I hadn't told Wakeen. I suspected that he hadn't listened, and wanted to see how long it would take him to notice I was gone. Farquad said something about it this morning, and Wakeen was SHOCKED. He couldn't believe I was leaving, and had no idea when. I thought Violet's eyes were going to roll back in her head.

Wakeen keeps falling asleep at his desk. His head drops down to his chest, and then he starts snoring. Like, really loud, and it's happened at least three times this week. Watching Farquad find out was funny.

My last week has been Fergus free. He went out of town for Thanksgiving, and then is taking some time off, which just means he comes in at night when everyone is gone, but doesn't do any work.

I thought I'd be really sad to leave, but if I hadn't already turned in my notice, this week would have driven me to it. Our printer ran out of ink. I had ordered more two weeks ago, and figured it was in Boss's office, like they usually do. Nope. I called our IT dept., it's not there. They didn't read the PO that I sent, and had to get it overnighted. It would have been fine, had they not continually insisted that the fault was on my end when it was NOT. 


  1. Good luck in your new venture! I'm not sure if I hope it's as entertaining as the small town newsroom or not, though.

    1. Thanks, I'm sure it will have it's own moments.

  2. WonderingHowIGotIntoThisNovember 30, 2018 at 12:24 PM

    Wow, good luck! ��
