Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Headless chicken in a flaming dumpster

Y'all. I need a vacation. 

I don't even know what I do all day. Really. 

I go in, work for a while, then its suddenly almost four and I haven't had lunch, and wonder why I'm so hateful. Hangry is real. 

I really like my job, I do. But dang. I keep thinking eventually I'll hit a rhythm. I think that rhythm has been hit, and unfortunately, it's the tune of one of those super fast songs they play at Zumba. (I think. I took one Zumba class in college, and that was enough. No thank you.)

There are many, many times that I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person. I try not to be a hand holder, because that's not my job. But sometimes, I feel like my job is to herd cats. Or kindergartners on a massive sugar high. 

I'll be working on something at my desk, then my boss will ask for something. While I'm working on that, someone will come in with a pay or benefits question. Then the phone will ring. Oh, the phone. I think other people are allergic to answering it.Then someone with far more schooling than me (and possibly with engineer in their title) will need help figuring out how the printer works. And at least once a week, a salesperson without an appointment shows up and tries to sell us something, and I get to run them off. It's like I'm my job, tech support, house mom, and gatekeeper all at once. And like I said, I love my job. But the attitude of 'I need this right now' is what gets to me. There are two people in the building that get to ask that of me, and they are the two that least often do.

On Monday, I had received 64 emails by 10:45. By the time I left a little before 5, I had 132.

The company I work for is going through some restructuring, which only adds to the madness. This week, we finally officially transition to the new payroll system they said we were going to be on in March. When paystubs hit tomorrow, it's going to get crazy. I'm not looking forward to it. People have a hard time being patient and understanding sometimes. I agree that they need to be paid what they are owed, but dang. I'm doing the best I can. If it was my fault, I would take responsibility for it, but there are limited things I can do to make it better right away. I don't have that much pull. If I did, I would get paid more. 

There's a guy who keeps accusing 'me' of stealing his pension. Not me specifically, but the company, and he's talking to me when he says it. Our company did away with the pension program, and people are not happy about it. I told Boss and Grand Boss that if I had stolen his pension, like actually taken it for myself, I wouldn't be at work. I would be on an island somewhere they don't extradite to the United States with my feet propped up. However, I did not have anything to do with the pension program, so I guess it's off to work for me. 

Except next week, cause I actually am going on vacation, and I'm super excited. I haven't been on vacation in.... four years? It's been a while. I got vacation when I was at the paper, but I didn't have any money, because I was working at the paper. So I just took the week or whatever it was off, and hung out around the house. Which was relaxing, but I'm excited to be able to go somewhere. I'm going to the beach, and when I told my boss I'd like off to go to the beach, he said no. I was about two seconds away from going, "Excuse me?" when he told me I didn't need to go anywhere near the beach because I'm so pale. Which is true. I told him I was more going shopping near a beach. This time next week I'll be gearing up to go! And them come back to mountains of work. Yay. 

1 comment:

  1. Have a great vacation! Spend some of it practicing how to say NO! Being a good, helpful employee does not mean agreeing to everything. :D
