Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I don't think so

I have an awful poker face. Really, it's horrible. I don't play poker, but I would lose every time. I may say something is fine, but my face gives me away every time.

We've been interviewing supervisor candidates for a couple of weeks now, and haven't found anyone yet. They've all been fine, but just fine. No one who we really think would be a great fit.

One guy, fairly young, had a strong resume and we thought might be a serious contender. However. He gets there, and isn't having a great interview. Someone asked what range of money he was looking for, and he said he'd want it to be in line with the next promotion he'll get at his current job. Ok, fine. We pay very well for the area we're in, and it's competitive with other companies.

This dude though. This dude names a number 20k higher than what we'd pay. And he was not worth it.

In that moment, I was really glad he was not looking at me, cause I'm pretty sure my eyebrows hit my hairline. He was not that good. Needless to say, he's not getting the job. We have two interviews this week, and maybe one of them will be a good fit.

I'm super glad to be on this side of the table, it's a whole lot less stressful, but I'll be super glad to get it over with. Of course, then we have like three other positions we're hiring for.

I don't think it's going to end anytime soon. On the plus side, I could about do one of the interviews in my sleep.


  1. I hope someone patted him on his shoulder and told him to stay where he was and wait for that promotion...

  2. Maybe you need to get half lit before you do interviews? Try it out first though, so you can see if it improves or deteriorates your poker face.
